System Status
Please refer to this page if you encounter any difficulties. Herein the status of every module is monitored and any known problems will be explained.
Current Status
This system is up and running well., any occuring difficulties are named below:
Function | Status |
Base system | OK |
Email system |
User management | OK |
Phrases (Catalogues, Phrasetexts, ...) | OK |
Propertytrees (Properties, Classes, ...) | OK |
Import 'n' Export | OK |
The current version is 1.7.3 (20150925). Please refer to the version number if you send any error messages.
Licensing: This license is unlimitedly and unrestrictedly granted to rimpido GmbH, the inventor of Phrasetool..
1.7.1 (2014/05/23)
- Fixed various issues with labels.
- Fixed issues and enhancements for assigning Phrases to Phrasesets.
- Enhanced Download capabilities.
1.7.0 (2014/05/15)
- General upgrade of internal functions for CakePHP.
- Extension to support display and printout of labels for hazardous substances.
- Various issues in Phrasecatalogue and Propertytree fixed.
1.6.5 (2013/11/12)
- Added import functions for Excel tables in different format.
1.6.4 (2013/11/04)
- Various issues to insert external data implemented.
- Various issues in the system resolved.
1.6.3 (2013/10/14)
- Various issues with Export-functions resolved.
- Internal function to insert external data implemented.
1.6.2 (2013/10/09)
- Minor issues on Attribute-Phraseset-References resolved.
- Documentation / Help for Propertytrees completed.
1.6.1 (2013/09/22)
- Minor issues on the export of Phrasesets resolved.
- Documentation / Help extended.
1.6.0 (2013/09/13)
- Exported data reimported and tested on a SAP® R3 system successfully.
- Import and Export of Phrasecatalogues, Propertytrees (including Phraseset-Phrase-References) completed.
- Import of CSV changed to freely choseable delimiter on the text fields.
- (First version to appear in Changelog, versions before are used internally only)