Phrasetool by Rimpido



rimpido GmbH
Reiherstieg 40
21244 Buchholz i.d.N. (bei Hamburg)

Tel.  +49 (0) 4181 - 1386 456
Fax. +49 (0) 4181 - 1386 457

Welcome to the Phrasetool of Rimpido GmbH!

This software will help you and your company to translate and map your phrases.
We are currently expanding the system and creating new exciting feature to it, the follwing features are implemented:

  • You may add translations in any known language.
  • You can import your own catalogue as SAP®-file (dat-format).
  • You may download your catalogues in all or some languages as a SAP-file.
  • You can buy new translations of Phrases.

Test us!

Take a look at our services for free:
You may search in the EuPhraC and you may export it as well.
These functions are available with no need to register. If you register additional functions will be available on request.

Info & Licenses:

The Prasetool contains the European Standard Phrases Catalogue EuPhraC. The version(s) used is/are 1.1. Depending on the function and selection only parts of the catalogue may be visable or usable for a user. These restrictions are applied by the user him-/herself.
The EuPhraC is available under the following creative commons license: CC-BY-3.0 with this notice: contains the European Standard Phrases Catalogue EuPhraC, version 1.1. The Phrases of the catalogue have been downloaded from
Usage of the EuPhraC is at your own risk. The BDI, the rimpido GmbH or a third party is not liable for the Phrases and their translations.